Electrical Issues

Electrical Safety Tips for the Holidays

Electrical Safety Tips for the Holidays

With Christmas fast approaching and the whirlwind that 2020 has created it is easy to overlook safety. We are sharing some electrical safety tips for the holidays to make sure you and your family can enjoy the time with peace of mind….

Electrical Requirements for New Garage Development, Renovations and Additions

Electrical Requirements for New Garage Development, Renovations and Additions

Electrical requirements for any new garage development, renovations and additions, including detached structures , must comply with the current Canadian Electrical Code ( See Alberta Electrical Code ) which one must understand that the Code varies across the provinces. One must also take into consideration that…

Electrical Main Panel 100 Amp Upgrades

Electrical Main Panel 100 Amp Upgrades

When or why should you upgrade your electrical main panel to 100 Amp? Well, back in the 30’s to the mid 60’s, many builders in the Edmonton area were installng 60 or 70 amp electrical services in the majority of residential homes. Prior to this….

Reasons To Upgrade Your Circuits

Reasons To Upgrade Your Circuits

Your electrical system is often overlooking during upgrades and renovations, despite the fact that this is the heart of your home. Without a healthy electrical system, you run the risk of overloading your circuits, causing an outage, or worse, a potential fire hazard that puts your family at risk

When Is It Time To Call In An Electrician?

When Is It Time To Call In An Electrician?

When is it time to call an electrician? Renovations and construction are always fun for those who like to take the bull by the horns and enjoy building something with their own hands.  There are many reasons we love these activities and yet there are times we are left scratching our heads wondering if we have just bitten off more than we can chew.  So before we blow the place up it is wise to …

Why is my circuit breaker tripping?

Why is my circuit breaker tripping?

Why do circuit breakers trip? Circuit breakers are designed to provide a level of electrical safety for your home or business and are installed in your Circuit Breaker Box (Electrical Panel).  Each circuit will have its own breaker where it’s sole purpose is to monitor the amount of electricity that is flowing.  When there is a surge of electricity, or an overload, the circuit breaker will turn off to prevent potential risks and further damage …..

Benefits of Air Conditioning

Benefits of Air Conditioning

Benefits of Air Conditioning Summers in Alberta often start out great!  We are often longing, almost begging for the sun show and to feel the warmth on our skin after our long and bitter winters. Soon into this reality though, the summer months go from Yay!! ... to the blatant the realization that we may not be built for this heat.  Extreme heat is known to have adverse effects on our intellect and physical activity…..