renovation ideas

Budget Tips and Ideas for Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations

Budget Tips and Ideas for Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations

If you are looking for ideas for your kitchen or bathroom, perhaps we can provide some motivation or inspiration to aide in your decision-making process. There are typically 3 areas that will not only update your home but also add value to your property; kitchen, bathroom and master bedroom. Depending on your budget, one other item to consider is …

Renovation Readiness - Tips 'n Tricks

Renovation Readiness - Tips 'n Tricks

Have a basic plan. While this seems easy at first it there will be a 100 different things uncovered during the renovation that can very quickly take you off budget and into the ‘reno-weeds’. So be prepared for….

Reasons To Upgrade Your Circuits

Reasons To Upgrade Your Circuits

Your electrical system is often overlooking during upgrades and renovations, despite the fact that this is the heart of your home. Without a healthy electrical system, you run the risk of overloading your circuits, causing an outage, or worse, a potential fire hazard that puts your family at risk